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Box diet reviews

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Klára Kováčová

fitness trainer and masseuse

Those of you who know me know that I can’t get enough of food. The problem is making it varied, high quality, healthy, and tasty for all of us! And boxed meals are just great! You don’t have to think about calories, vitamins, protein, and who knows what – you know exactly what you’re putting into yourself. And what’s more, everyone can adjust it to suit their needs. What’s maybe even better, though, is the time saved. You know, we women go running around all day and then it’s like, what am I going to cook? And this totally resolves that problem. It’s absolutely perfect, and I’m thinking, why didn’t I do this a long time ago? 😊 Then they deliver all over the Czech Republic, so if we go away from home, the boxes come to us.

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My boyfriend and I have had the boxes from Zdravé stravování for a month, and we are very satisfied.

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Lucie Pudilová

MMA Fighter

I can only recommend the boxes from Zdravé stravování. I’m personally absolutely satisfied – the food is not only healthy but also very tasty. The main dish always tastes great, and the spreads, pastries, and refreshing desserts are also delicious 👍.

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coach and competitor in the NPC Men’s physique division

I’m a nutritionist, and I’ve been in the sports field of bodybuilding, training my clients (bikini fitness), and bodybuilding competitions for 11 years. I simply must express my surprise and absolutely positive experience with this particular diet. The precisely laid out programme has helped me perfectly maintain my regimen in preparation for the season. After consulting with the nutritionist we chose the ideal programme, and I can only recommend it!!! For anyone who is looking for a positive direction in their life and cares about their health, Zdravé stravování is the right choice.

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I’m a nutritionist and food engineer. I’ve been helping women get slim for over 13 years and I’ve had many years of personal experience with and I’ve always been very satisfied. I highly recommend boxed meals from them to my female clients and anyone interested in healthy eating, because this is one of the best in the industry and they truly understand nutrition, thanks to the experienced professionals on their team.

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Lucie Škardová


Eating healthy is not about hunger or denial, it’s about the right dietary parameters – and that’s exactly what Zdravé stravování can do. When I had the boxes for the first time, I also weighed myself honestly and I can tell you the real numbers – in one month I went from 59.2 kg to a beautiful 56.5 kg WITHOUT starving and denial. I also really like the ability to choose from several programmes. I would say there is something for everyone. If you want to lose weight and you can’t, I believe the boxes are the way to go for you. Sometimes just more movement isn’t enough; combining it with a suitable diet is ideal. I have a major problem without the boxes – I eat little and badly. So thank you Zdravé stravování!

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Simona Šimková


The “For Moms” programme made my life easier after the birth of my son Mathias. As a breastfeeding mom, I wanted to make sure my meals were regular and balanced. Even after we got settled in at home, I decided to continue the boxing because the meals are really tasty and it’s a great way to save time that I can better spend on my son :). I was very pleasantly surprised by the communication with the nutritionist, who was willing to discuss my current situation and set up a tailor-made menu, and she was helpful in case of additional changes.

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Lukáš Pařízek, akrobatický pilot

Vincent Navrátil


I would recommend Zdravé stravování boxes to anyone who plans to reach their desired goal as quickly as possible. In just a couple of weeks, I have already seen results in my workouts. A proper diet really does make all the difference.

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Lukáš Pařízek, akrobatický pilot

Tereza Jandová


At the beginning of October I decided to start running to look better and be happy with myself by summer. But 80% of this is food, so boxes were the obvious choice. I chose the Protein Extra programme, which contains less carbs. The meals are varied and I don’t feel hungry after eating them. And the result after 3 weeks with Zdravé stravování? “You’re kind of skinny.” That was a compliment from a friend and the number on the scale shows 3 kg less. And for me, that’s motivation to keep going.

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Lukáš Pařízek, akrobatický pilot

Věra Závorková

para swimmer

I’m very satisfied with the boxes from Zdravé stravování. Since I represent the Czech Republic in para swimming, the boxed diet suits me very well. Not only do I save time, but I know I have regular meals and all the nutrition my body needs. Many times I have two-phase training sessions, and this way I can take the boxes to the pool and eat in peace after the training and then continue to the gym.

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Lukáš Pařízek, akrobatický pilot

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