About the FOR HEALTH ON THE GO programme
The menu of the For Health on the Go programme differs in particular by offering a cold form of lunch which does not necessarily require heating, but still provides a nutritionally high-quality and tasty meal.
- Designed for anyone who is interested in a tasty, healthy, and balanced diet.
- The menu is suitable for clients who travel frequently or whose workplace makes it impossible to heat up food.
- The varied and tasty food is very close to a normal diet.
- The cold lunch is not offered exclusively in the form of a vegetable salad and will occasionally
be served hot.
- The For Health on the Go programme is available in 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000, 9000, and
10,000 calorie energy options.
- The menu is designed by a nutrition team led by the founder of Zdravé stravování, Mgr.
Kateřina Šimková.
Raw materials
You can enjoy a variety of lean meats, legumes, cereals, seeds, and nuts. The menu will also include low-fat cheeses and other foods that you’re used to eating, such as bread and dairy products. We try to include one sweet dish in the daily programme, usually at snack time. Exotic products will also add variety to the diet in the programme. The programme can be ordered in any combination of courses.
Exemptions will be available for the For Health on the Go programme.
Nutrition window
Our overall health and vitality is a reflection of our diet. It must include all the macronutrients such as carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, but also fibre, minerals and vitamins. By indulging in a balanced and varied diet made from quality raw materials, we significantly reduce the occurrence of health problems and contribute to longevity.
A wide variety of meals in a suitable composition and the distribution of individual courses throughout the day will prevent hunger, weight gain, and a deficiency of important substances obtained from food. For the For Health on the Go programme, we try to stick to a daily macronutrient distribution of 40-60% carbohydrates, 25-30% fat, and 15-25% protein.
A hot lunch does not affect a rational approach to eating, but it is important not to skip the biggest meal of the day completely. The boxes from Zdravé stravování in the For Health on the Go programme, where lunch doesn’t require heating, allow you to eat optimally anytime and anywhere.
Variants by kJ: 5 000 kJ, 6 000 kJ, 7 000 kJ, 8 000 kJ, 9 000 kJ, 10 000 kJ
Tuňákové kuličky s rajčatovou omáčkou
Snídaně: rybí pomazánka s hráškovými výhonky a pečivem
Večeře: burger s čedarem a salsou, taco pečivo
Borůvkový dezert s chia semínky
Skořicovo-jablečný jogurtový dezert
Těstovinový salát se zeleninou, mini mozzarellou a semínky