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Meal plan especially for children

Nutrition team Zdravé stravování will provide a nutritionally balanced lunch for your children to meet the strict requirements of young eaters and to give them energy.

More details about the programme:

  • a balanced lunch that meets the nutritional requirements for children
  • 3 lunch sizes according to age (XS for children 7-11 years, S for children 12-14 years, M for children 15-18 years)
  • 3 lunch options: lactose-reduced, meat-free, standard lunch
  • the programme includes only one course, specifically lunch
  • exceptions or substitutes are not permitted in this programme
  • the price of lunch does not include delivery vyvážený oběd splňující výživové nároky pro děti


hp01 Ingredients

The lactose-free lunch is primarily intended for lactose-intolerant children (but not for children with cow’s milk protein allergy) and uses ingredients in the lactose-free version.

The meat-free lunch is nutritionally composed so that the combination of plant protein sources creates their full form.

The standard lunch option provides lean meats, grains, legumes, seeds, and nuts. The meal plan also includes reduced-fat cheeses and other products that children are used to in their normal diet.

hp04 Nutrition window

Lunch is very important for children and adolescents because it provides the energy needed for the rest of the day, which is essential for their growth, development, and ability to concentrate at school and have energy for extra-curricular activities.

Ideally, lunch should be hot, as it can better satisfy hunger. A hot lunch also offers a wider variety of foods that can be prepared, specifically meat, fish, pulses, cereals, and vegetables. Lunch for children, like for adults, must contain an optimal ratio of protein (for growth and tissue regeneration), complex carbohydrates (a source of energy), and healthy fats (for brain development and holistic health). However, the macronutrient and micronutrient requirements for children and adults differ, and this must be taken into account.

Skipping the main meal of the day may result in a lack of nutrients and the subsequent risk to children’s physical health, mental performance, and overall development.


P6051976 Pro Zdravi Tunakove Kulicky S Rajcatovou Omackou Zdroj Zdrave Stravovani Resize 2000x1500
Tuňákové kuličky s rajčatovou omáčkou
Testovinovy Salat Se Zeleninou Mini Mozzarellou A Seminky Resize 2000x1500
Těstovinový salát se zeleninou, mini mozzarellou a semínky
Kuřecí prsa s jáhlami a pyré
Kuřecí prsa s jáhlami a pyré
Losos s bulgurem
Losos s bulgurem
Krůtí roláda plněná kapií, sýrem a žampiony, bramborová kaše
Krůtí roláda plněná kapií, sýrem a žampiony, bramborová kaše
Ragů s těstovinami
Ragů s těstovinami
Španělský ptáček s rýží
Španělský ptáček s rýží
Tortilla s hovězím mase, lilkem a batáty
Tortilla s hovězím mase, lilkem a batáty


LACTO MINUS: Possible program variants

Choose the program and its variant that suit you best. We always try to meet the needs of our customers as much as possible and thus offer a sufficiently wide range of programs, that allows anyone to choose the right one from.

7-11 years

12-14 years

15-18 years

Menu extras

Add something extra to any variant.

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doplnky polevka

doplnky smoothie

doplnky dezertDessert

doplnky freshFresh

doplnky zeleninova miskaVegetable bowl






Program price list FOR CHILDREN

Lunch79 CZK84 CZK89 CZK
Lactose-reduced lunch79 CZK84 CZK89 CZK
Meat-free lunch79 CZK84 CZK89 CZK
Soup 43 CZK 43 CZK 43 CZK
Bowl49 CZK49 CZK49 CZK
Drink59 CZK59 CZK59 CZK


Order now and you can eat
from Thursday 10.10. 2024.


We care about your tastes

The goal of our nutrition team led by Mgr. Kateřina Šimková is to prepare special menus that meet specific requirements so that the adjustments in the diet do not pose a risk, you are satisfied and you enjoyed the food made from quality ingredients.


Find out more about food preparation and diet

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+420 517 070 333Mo-Th:  8:00-17:00
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