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Programs for every day
with a modified menu

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Boxed diet program:FOR HEALTH +

Balanced diet complemented by fruits and vegetables

The For Health + program is the ideal solution for anyone who wants to indulge in our most popular For Health program, supplemented by an extra portion of extra fruit and vegetables. You don't need to account for anything and you leave the daily dose of fruit and vegetables to us.

About the FOR HEALTH + program

The For Health + program contains a menu of our most popular For Health program, which is, however, enriched with extra balanced portion of fruits and vegetables. Why to choose this special program?

  • The program is designed for everyone whose goal is to eat healthy, tasty and balanced diet.
  • You do not have to worry about supplementing the delivered food with daily dose of fruit and vegetables.
  • The For Health + program will take care of your optimal diet with a comprehensive representation of all nutrients, vitamins and minerals.
  • The menu has been compiled by a team of nutritionists under the leadership of the founder of Healthy Eating, Kateřina Šimková. The team has counted and divided portions of fruits and vegetables to maintain the complexity of the menu in the all-day menu.

The For Health + program offers recipes from Czech and world cuisine. The menu also serves as inspiration for tasty, healthy dishes and unusual ingredients, which you can now include in your menu.


hp01 Ingrediences

You can look forward to all the ingredients from the For Health program, such as lean meat, low fat cheese, but you will also experience tastes of exotic products, as well as enjoy nuts or seeds.

Everything will be supplemented by a balanced portion of fruits and vegetables, whether in the form of a tasty salad or a fruit and vegetable smoothie.

The program can be ordered only in the all-day menu variant. Only fish and seafood exemptions can be applied to the For Health + program.

Výživové okénko Nutrition details

Fruits and vegetables are an important source of vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants. They contribute to the proper functioning of the digestive tract and their recommended daily dose is around 400-500 grams.

Fruits and vegetables also serve an important function in healthy weight loss, and even lowering blood cholesterol. In addition, eating a balanced amount of fruits and vegetables acts as a prevention against colon cancer.

The vitamins and minerals content depends on the specific fruit or vegetable, so it is important to eat them in colorful palette. Each species has different health benefits that are important to our body. The For Health + program aims to include a wide range of fruits and vegetables in every meal.

If you have to choose between synthetic pharmacy vitamins or dietary intake of vitamins and minerals  in the form of fruits and vegetables, the right choice will always be to eat a healthy diet as it has  higher utility for the organism.


Smetanový dezert s malinami, kešu a para ořechy
P5131721 PZ Smetanovy Dezert S Malinami Kesu A Para Orechy Zdrave Stravovani
Pro Zdraví +
P8232771 Pro Zdravi Plus Snidane Rybi Pomazanka S Hraskovymi Vyhonky A Pecivem 2000x1500
Rybí pomazánka s hráškovými výhonky a pečivem
Pro Zdraví plus salát
P8232799 Pro Zdravi Plus Zdrave Stravovani 2000x1500
Pro Zdraví plus


FOR HEALTH +: Possible program variants

Choose the program and its variant that suit you best. We always try to meet the needs of our customers as much as possible and thus offer a sufficiently wide range of programs, that allows anyone to choose the right one from.

6 000 kJ

7 000 kJ

8 000 kJ

9 000 kJ

10 000 kJ

Menu extras

Add something extra to any variant.

See all add-ons

doplnky polevka

doplnky smoothie

doplnky dezertDessert

doplnky freshFresh

Whole day







Program price list FOR HEALTH +

6 000 kJ7 000 kJ8 000 kJ9 000 kJ10 000 kJ

zobrazit kompletní ceník


Order now and you can eat
from Monday 20.1. 2025.

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Would you like to improve your diet and lose weight? With the Healthy Eating Boxed Diet, you can easily achieve this and still enjoy the meals along the way. This is our most popular healthy eating program, which is as similar to a regular diet as possible.

Toužíte po zdravém, avšak cenově dostupném jídle pro oběd či večeři? Zdravé stravování připravilo krabičkový program Meníčko, ze kterého můžete vybrat hlavní jídla dne. Jídla uspokojí všechny, kdo prahnou po pravidelném stravování a vysoké kvalitě zpracování jídel. Program je vhodný pro singles, seniory i nevařivé rodiny.


We care about your tastes

The goal of our nutrition team led by Mgr. Kateřina Šimková is to prepare special menus that meet specific requirements so that the adjustments in the diet do not pose a risk, you are satisfied and you enjoyed the food made from quality ingredients.


Find out more about food preparation and diet

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